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BERLIN STOVE STORIES | A3 Poster | 5 Euro per poster donated to KIMBA by BERLINER Tafel

zzgl. Versand

BERLIN STOVE STORIES POSTER DinA3 (29,7 x 42 cm) 300 g Natural Cream FSC® Paper, printed in Germany

An ode to all our Berlin foodies - the small ones, the tall ones, the green ones, the spicy ones.
The dinner table is where we gather. And lovingly feast on our differences.

5 Euro of each sale will be donated to KIMBA, by Berliner Tafel: Berliner Tafel is a charitable organization based in Berlin, Germany, that focuses on collecting surplus food and distributing it to those in need. Their project KIMBA stands for "Kinder-IMBiss-Aktiv" (Children's Snack Active) and is helping provide children and teenagers with nutritious meals, despite their circumstances.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Price Includes 19% VAT. Shipping is 8 Euro within Europe. If you're ordering from outside of Europe please get in touch with us before purchasing via and we will find an individual solution for you!

BERLIN STOVE STORIES | A3 Poster | 5 Euro per poster donated to KIMBA by BERLINER Tafel
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